2023 NASA Student Launch Competition
(Aug 2022 - May 2023)


"Teams shall design a payload capable upon landing of autonomously receiving RF commands and performing a series of tasks with an on-board camera system." ~ From 2023 NASA Student Launch Handbook


As the electronics team lead for Blue Horizon Rocketry Club Competition Team, I was responsible for integrating different subsystems into one system and making the system stable.

Main tasks included:
  • Designed PCBs for each subsystems.
  • Utilized I2C communication protocol to coordinate different subsystems under one main system. The subsystems consisted of 2 Teensy boards each for data collection and motor control, 1 Raspberry Pi for receiving and translating APRS commands from the ground station, and 1 OpenMV Cam H7 Plus to perform imaging tasks.
  • Manipulated the images by utilizing OpenMV library. Images were time stamped, rotated, applied with a special filter, and changed colors.