2022 Junction Asia Hackathon
(Aug 2022)


Europe's leading Hackathon, yearly gathering over 1500 hackers together for a weekend-long experience. A meeting place for developers, designers, and other techies, teaming up and creating new tech projects in 48 hours.

There were four tracks to choose from:
  • Microsoft Power
  • AWS for Games
  • Zep Metaverse
  • Chainapsis Blockchain


Online employment applications and networking platforms have a high potential of leaving identity information vulnerable to fraud due to the deceptive nature of the digital space. Our patent tackles the issue through smart contracts. The smart contracts are within a decentralized system where users can upload their resumes and certifications. These contracts will be verified by organizations such as schools, employers, or certification bodies. Once a certification or resume has been verified, it is recorded on the blockchain, making it tamper-proof and publicly accessible.


Incorporated Chainapsis Blockchain technology in the backend of the React to create a Resume management application. The team cannot reaval further information because it is in the process of patent.

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